Make together!

Cyclical Craftsmanship Initiatives

Craftsmanship beginning and ending with the forest

With wood, the main natural resource of Keihoku, along with sustainable Urushi, everyone can enjoy making crafts with ease. The traditional skills that have been cultivated over countless generations can be passed down to the next. These two coexisting pursuits are the goals of our craftsmanship initiatives. We want to build up the necessary infrastructure so that more people can participate in craftsmanship. We also want to spur innovation in how regional resources are used and in how traditional skills are passed down. A portion of the profits we earn from our products will be used to fund our morizukuri initiatives.

Fab Village Keihoku

The structure

A creative space born out of a diverse membership

The infrastructure for craftsmanship we are preparing, given the name “Fab Village Keihoku,” was selected to receive the Toyota Foundation’s “Grant for Community Activities in Japan” in October of 2020. This was under the Toyota Foundation’s program titled “Creating Sustainable Communities with Future Leaders: building a problem-solving system.”

Ample space for classroom or workshop
Combination of digital and analog equipment
Extensive material library
An environment for creative thinking

The vision

A citizen workshop befitting an area that supports the city

新しい技術・地域の資源とネットワーク・伝統技術→デジタル・ファブリケーションで市民に近づくモノづくり 伝統技術を次世代へ工芸の生態系を再編成→京北の林業の課題 伝統工芸の課題

Facilities under consideration in Fab Village Keihoku

  • Digital fabrication facilities
  • Woodworking machines
  • Woodworking tools
  • School workshops (chairs, projectors, whiteboards)
  • Office (Wi-Fi, outlets, multifunction printers)
  • Cafe/lounge
  • Gallery/library

Participate In Our Craftsmanship Initiatives

You can find the latest news about “Forest of Craft’s” “Planting/Forest Cultivation Initiatives,” and “Cyclical Craftsmanship Initiatives” on our Facebook page, or through our newsletter. You can sign up for our newsletter here:

For businesses and professionals interested in our craftsmanship initiatives, and for media outlets with inquiries, please feel free to use the form below.

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